Getting Fit

Andrew Woods
Andrew Woods

It’s time! I’ve been carrying around extra weight for far too long. So now is the time to get rid of it. By spending the summer exercising and modifying nutritional habits, it should be possible to remove the majority of it  by the end of September. Last year, I managed to lose 11 pounds in a month during Junk Food Free July. However, it wasn’t maintained, and after two months it had returned. – mostly through laziness. It didn’t help any that I reverted to some bad habits. Cooking at home most of the time should help too. I don’t want get too caught up in numbers but, I anticipate losing between 40 – 60 pounds.

If all goes well, I’ll be looking like a new man by Christmas. Nice! I’ll update this blog every couple of weeks with my progress to let you all know how I’m doing. If you do something similar, let me know.

Wish me luck!

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