Junk Food Free July – Week 1 Result

Modifying your habits can be challenging, particularly when you have something you’ve been doing for an extended period of time. The first couple of days were the hardest. This is because you have to disrupt your default processes, and need to quickly replace them with a working substitute. Before the JFFJ program, I would decide what I was having for lunch around noon, since that’s when I would get hungry. Now, I’m deciding it in the morning since I’m bringing my lunch with me. So the morning time before work has become critical. This is when I determine breakfast and lunch. The upside to this is that I don’t have to make decisions about my meals again until dinner.

After a week, it’s a little easier. I feel like I’m starting to get a rhythm with eating healthier. I didn’t do so well with the exercise portion of my Power of 2 diet. I was supposed to run 16 Km (10 miles), of which I only ran 6.8 Km (4.25 miles). I need to improve greatly on this, in part by setting time aside for it. Overall I’m feeling better, which is good. My energy level is more constant.

Weight: 269 ( delta from last week is -2 )

One Response to “Junk Food Free July – Week 1 Result”

  1. mahalie says:

    Hi Andrew! Good to hear you’re learning to eat well…I just started getting really interested in eating well about a year ago. A few years ago I quit sugar for 9 months, it was the most miserable time of my life. I didn’t understand how carbs and starches become sugar, and most importantly, that I have to give myself incentives. Disincentives have always been a recipe for failure for me.

    Sounds like you’re on a roll, keep it up!