Trouble Getting Started

Getting started with the process of getting fit has been a little slow lately. I haven’t jumped in with both feet yet. Instead I’ve been touching my toe in the water. I think part of that is I’m realizing I’m gonna have to give things up that I know are bad for me. While I know this logically, I’ve been caving into my desires. We can all agree that this has to stop.

I have a goal. My goal is to weigh 240 pounds by September 26, 2009. That’s 29 pounds to lose in 82 days from today. Is that possible? I wonder. I just did a search and found that WebMD says “If you need to lose 25 pounds, figure you are embarking on at least a three-month program“. My goal is a little more ambitious than that, but it’s not totally unattainable. I suppose that even if I don’t make that goal, I still win, right?

So, Dear Reader, tell me – how do you stay motivated with your fitness? Do you set treat goals – only have ice cream once a week? or run a mile for every beer you drink? buy yourself something nice for reaching milestones? I wanna know.

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