lifting weights
In my efforts to get fit, I’ve historically avoided lifting weights. I’ve always felt that i gain mass easily. So i feared that I would become one of those guys with no neck, giant muscles but no muscle definition. That’s the exact thing I don’t want. Because of that I’ve been focusing on cardio. After all, look at marathon runners. They have small, defined muscles and they still have a neck. I really want to delete my belly and love handles. By the way, I’ve never loved them. That’s the worst name ever!
I recently read Urban Smiler‘s article “So you want a flat tummy/6 pack”. When I saw the title I thought “yes please!”, then actually read the article. If I’m understanding her first point, definition comes not from adding muscle, but rather removing fat. Strengthening the muscle with make it bigger and more pronounced when the fat is removed.
In her second point, I’m wondering what she means by “major muscle strength work”. Does it mean work all the muscle groups? or does it mean intense muscle building , which will render large muscles?
In any case, I’m looking to build lean muscle and gain definition in my chest, stomach, back and shoulders. What’s the best way to do that? leave your ideas in the comments