Why I should go to Gnomedex

Last night I received a tweet from Chris Pirillo. In the tweet, he offered a contest. Send him an email and tell him why you should get the free ticket to Gnomedex. So I wrote an email. Here’s an explanation about the contest from Chris. I’ve posted the email in it’s entirety below. If I win, I won’t be able to tell you until they say it’s ok.


Last week I was a regular seattleite – living in the city, working on the eastside doing php development, and with a healthy interest in social networking sites and microblogging. Then I learned about Gnomedex and my world changed. I suddenly wanted to be great. I needed to surround myself with the thought leaders of new media. I wanted to do great things.

Gnomedex can enable me to do them. I know all things are possible. However, desire is not enough, and I’m going to need to take drastic measures to pay my bills _and_ go to Gnomedex. I may need to solicit myself on the streets. I fear this could lead to my imprisonment by a Jabba the Hut like entity and be forced to wear the gold bikini. I’m not in the best of shape, so trust when i tell you that no one needs to see that! Save me from the gold bikini!

So in my best holographic voice “Please Chris Pirillo – you’re my only hope”


Update: I’m going to Gnomedex! :)

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