Challenge Yourself

When was the last time you challenged yourself? even if its  a small one. I know it’s been a while for me. Until now. I was talking with my older brother the other night, and during the conversation he mentioned that it had been a while – months in fact – since he had some sweets . He has quite a sweet tooth, as do I , so this isn’t easy. So when he put forth a challenge that i couldn’t go a month without them, i decided take him up on it. For the month of November, we won’t consume any sweets. It’s a gentlemen’s bet. I believe I can do this. In fact, If you see me out on the town and catch me breaking the challenge, I’ll give you $20.

What does this include, you wonder? Soda, candy,  sugary coffee drinks (like my mocha), cookies, cake, pie, ice cream – basically anything that is bad for you and consumed during the holidays. Juices and lemonade are fine. In anticipation of November 1st, I was tempted to binge a little. I came up with the idea of a cupcake crawl, and even tweeted about it, to see if there was any interest from others. A few people liked the idea, but nobody agreed to participate. This was for the best. Binging just isn’t healthy. I still had the craving though. Fortunately, I was able to extinguish that desire by watching an episode of the Biggest Loser. Seeing the amount of sacrifice and motivation they need to overcome their current condition is humbling.

I could stop there. However, I could also use this opportunity to do another, complementary challenge. Not eating sweets for a month is preventing me from doing something bad. I decided to take on a challenge that would make me do something good. This one was inspired by my friend Anthony Stevens. He recently challenged himself to exercise for 100 consecutive days. He did it!  An admirable challenge to be sure. However,  I’m going to start with 30 consecutive days of  exercise. I can re-up at the end of the November right? Besides, i like that the 2 challenges will line up with one another.

To be clear, both challenges begin on November 1 and end November 30. Do you want to participate in either one (or both) of the challenges? If so, write which challenge you want to do in the comments. Let’s work together on this.

2 Responses to “Challenge Yourself”

  1. You should cut the lemonade and fruit juice too. They both have a lot of sugar (fructose is particularly bad). Try to keep that insulin from spiking and you’ll lose fat a lot faster. It’s not just about processed sugar, but all sugar (and things that convert QUICKLY to sugar).

    Awesome challenge though. Good luck!

  2. joey says:

    I agree with Bruce, but I know it’s hard. In fact, I know because I did this challenge myself years ago! I think I was middle school or maybe high school. I lasted about 3 months and did it for no particular reason. I just wanted to see if I could do it.

    The rules I abided by was no added sugars or artificial sugars. I happen to not like fruit juice, so I didn’t need to worry about that. Might I suggest instead of drinking your fruit, eat it! It will totally satiate your sweet tooth and it’s better than drinking all that sugar.

    Though I did this challenge well over 10 years ago, I still benefit from it. I don’t crave sugar anymore. Seriously. I used to have a killer sweet tooth. It’s crazy. I commend you for doing this. Keep up the good work!