Jingle Bell Run 2008 Results

Today was a great day for a run. I ran the Jingle Bell with my two team mates, Wendy Chisholm and Erika Hargadine, as well as new comer Summer, a friend of Wendy’s. Thousands of people showed up this morning to run. The race got off to a slow start, but soon quickly picked up in the first 1/2 mile as people spread out. As we headed into the express lane tunnels, the Seattle PD were trying to steer the runners away from the side of the road where ice had formed. Fortunately I didn’t witness anybody falling on the ice, but with thousands of of people the odds are good that someone took a spill.

I had bundles of energy at this point. I had a good pace, and not alot of people were passing me. As I exited the tunnel, the runners spread out using the wider road to its advantge. I was able to pass many more people as I took advantage of the downhill. It was pretty level near the 2 mile marker. I felt ok, but I was starting to feel a little out of breath due to faster the normal pace. I tried to slow my stride but found that difficult. The adrenaline of being in the pack with still driving me. Around 2.5 miles, we reached the off ramp, which is 2 small consective uphills, with the second more dramatic than the first. This is where my stride got smaller, but my pace only slowed a little. The legs were willing, but I was really struggling with maintaining a good breathe. This is where I really wanted just to walk, but I knew if I could just reach the crest that it’s all downhill after that.  I didn’t walk. I managed to keep the run going. As I turned on to Pine St. and saw the finish line, it was easy to keep going.  It was great feeling to cross the finish knowing that I didn’t give up.

It wasn’t until I got home after breakfast that I caculated the time it took for me to finish. I didn’t have my digital watch, so I used the songs on my ipod playlist. It took me 33:08 to run the course. In my training I was averaging 37 minutes. That’s a big difference. Also running on the treadmill is easier. For my next race, I need to do more road work in my training.

One Response to “Jingle Bell Run 2008 Results”

  1. Giyen says:

    woohoo! congratulations andrew!