2009 New Years Resolutions

I like the idea of New Year’s resolutions, as they provide us with an opportunity to be better. Not everyone does. They say things like “my resolution is to not make resolutions” or “they never work” . I suspect it’s because they have not had a positive experience in executing them, and therefore see it as an exercise in futility. Maybe they made too many, or they weren’t able to be completed in a year.  But I digress …

The question we should ask ourselves is “how can I be better ?”. There are other questions you could ask, like “what do i want?”, “What’s missing from my life?”, “How can I make this year suck less than last year?”, but in the end they’re essentially asking the same thing.

Reflecting on this and other years past, I’ve realized that I don’t take enough chances. When confronted with a situation where I could be disappointed with the outcome, I distance myself from it and consequently prevent that possible outcome from presenting itself.  Additionally, I need to get fit. I have a sizable amount of weight to shed. I have a picture in my head of what I should look like. I’m guessing that to get from here to there is about 50 pounds, but it’s probably more. The challenge I run into is that, the ultimate goal seems so far off, that it seems impossible. So I give up before I start. I know I’m not the only one that feels this way.

But that was then. this is now. This is the moment to change. It’s in your power to change your life. the first step is decide that you want it. The next step is to do it. With all your drive, power, and determination, do everything you can to make it happen. No one else can do it for you. Others can help, and you should reach out to them, but ultimately, the power is in your hands. Good luck and godspeed!

My Resolutions:

  • Be Bold
  • Get Fit


  • “Courage is the first of the human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all the others” –Sir Winston Churchill
  • “Why not go out on a limb? isn’t that where the fruit is?” –Frank Scully
  • “Fortune and love favor the brave” –Ovid
  • “Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re scared” –Eddie Rickenbacker

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