App Idea: Startup Deadpool
The startup community is interested in how their fellow entrepreneurs are doing. I’m sure there are others but two sites that come to mind that discuss the health of start up companies – and discusses the companies that are doing well, succeeding even, with their business. discusses those that are in turmoil, slashing large parts of their employees, or closing their doors.
While reading through my RSS feeds, I saw the headline “ is heading to Deadpool”. OK, so they’re closing their doors for business. I wonder how many people knew it was gonna happen? So I’m thinking, what if people could bet which companies were gonna go under and when? wouldnt that be cool?! I’d have to say yes, that would be cool. But I’m biased, since it’s my idea after all. Now I’m not a lawyer, but I’m pretty certain online gambling is illegal in the United States. So no money would change hands. Instead it’s done by points. It would use a weighted point system, to be precise. It’s related to when you cast your vote for a company and when they actally close their doors. the greater the value between the two dates, the more points you get. Basically, it would justify your trash talking to your friends. The other restriction is that you only get a limited number of companies to select. Lets say you had 5 slots. You could remove one of your existing companies to replace it with a different one, or when a company actually does go out of business, a slot becomes available for you.
Now, here the question. How many of you would be intersted in this application? The initial application would be pretty simple. As time goes on, i could add more features. If you would like to help out, let me know.