Hello world!
I’ve moved my website from GoDaddy.com to Dreamhost.com today. Its a superior hosting platform from a developer perspective. For one it’s far more flexible. More importantly GoDaddy’s websites are setup so when you login to your website with FTP, your home directory is the website root! That’s very bad from a security perspective. As developers we’re taught that some things should be outside of your website root, and GoDaddy made that impossible. Additionally, Dreamhost gives you SSH access and Subversion!
What happened to the rest of my blog you might ask? Well, its funny. I did a database backup for my wordpress installation at GoDaddy before shutting off my hosting at GoDaddy. What I never noticed was a Export option in the WordPress admin panel. In fact, it wasn’t until I was working on the configuration on the new Dreamhost version of the blog that I noticed it. so, I’m hoping to be able to do a database import with my backup file. That would be awesome! However, it might not be that easy. the Dreamhost version of wordpress is 2.5 where the GoDaddy version was much older. So we’ll see what happens. I need to do some research to see what my options are. Wish me luck.
Great Tip! :-) Thanks I liked your theme.
I thinkyou are awesome.