Junk Food Free July – Week 2 Result
Here’s my update. I improved with my exercise this week by meeting my running goal. Friday morning I ran Greenlake, instead of doing it originally planned on thursday evening. I completed the 2.8 mile loop of the lake in 29:42 for my best time ever. That makes me happy. On top of the running, I managed to find a volleyball court and play 3 games with some friendly strangers who let me join their game. Volleyball is by far my favorite sport to play, so I try to play whenever possible.
On the nutrition side of this program, I find myself thinking more creatively. Largely, this is because the things I know work are getting boring quickly. I don’t like cooking but it provides for more options, so I’m experimenting with it more. I find that temptations are greatest when I’m in a social situation – like at a bar with friends. It tastes good and incredibly convenient. However, prioritizing by convenience is how I got to where I am. I managed to resist the temptation, but it was difficult as my appetite was bordering on ravenous.
Part of the incentive of this program is weight loss. I read about the topic on several websites, all of which indicate that lifting weights will increase weight loss. I find myself hesitant because I don’t want mass. In my head I imagine the muscles get added on top of whats present, thereby making me larger. I don’t want large muscles. Rather I want definition with an overall decrease in size. This in part, is why I’m running. Who’s ever seen a 300lb marathoner? They’re always lean, defined. While I dont want to be a marathon man either, it’s closer to my ideal than a football player is.
Weight: 266 ( delta from last week is -3 )
This is great info to know.