She’s My Wingman
I like to help out when I can. Also, lately I’ve been trying to be healthier by getting fit. So I’ve been running and joined a volleyball league. Running isn’t easy for me yet, so it definitely helps to have a concrete object to work toward. So when a new friend of mine Erika Hargadine asked me several weeks ago to be on her team for the Race for the Cure, I told her I would. What’s is this event about? In a word: breasts. Need a few more? Health. Life. It’s about ending breast cancer through research, and help those who have it to afford treatment for it. It touched my mom and it touched Erika, both of whom are survivors. Not everyone is so lucky.
When I told Erika I planned on it, it was just a promise. Today, I’m officially signed up. There are multiple events you can participate in, but I will be participating in the Co-ed 5K run/walk as part of a Erika’s team “She’s My Wingman“. As a participant, my objective is to raise $150. If you’d like to help by contributing, that would be great! If you can help me meet the goal of $150, I’ll add $200 to the total pot.
Way to run, and run for a good reason. I was (body) type casted into running cross country when I was a kid. I tried to restart my running career a few years ago and then I remembered how much I hate running. I don’t like to exercise at all and have tried lost of methods, paying for gym membership I didn’t use, etc. Then I realized that it had to be something I *wanted* to instead of forced myself to do so I got a membership to Banya 5 (Russian bath house) and ride my bike there. I’ve actually been riding and sauna-ing a lot for a month now!
p.s. was going to quickly donate but they don’t use paypal, and don’t take amex…annoying! hopefully i’ll remember to come back later when i have more time for filling out forms.