Published in 24 Days In December
On Dec 7, I saw a tweet that the PHP community site 24 Days In December, was looking for authors to contribute an article. I responded, and soon I was writing an article for them. It needed to be done quickly, since the last article gets published Dec 24. I had a couple of ideas. The article I came to write, Learn Another Language, was published yesterday on Dec 16. This is the firstt PHP community site I published on.
I proposed that developers learn to speak another language. Developers spend so much time learning other coding languages. The thing about programming, is that it’s about solving problems. While we use computers to solve the problems, we’re solving the problems for people. When we can speak multiple languages, we can communicate with more people. That is a skill worth having. So, check it out. It’s not Shakespeare, but it’s worth a read. Of course, I might be biased.