Cutting the Mustard

In March 2012, The BBC wrote about the ‘cutting the mustard’ technique. It’s a great thing for web development. It helps keep your code lighter, and is based on progressive enhancement.

Undoing things in Git

There are times when you’re developing your software project and things are going well. Then suddenly, your code gets into a funky state. “How do I go back?” you wonder. Like everything else in software, it depends upon the situation. Here’s a couple of way to undo things in Git.

Going Metric

Imagine you’re reading through Twitter or Facebook, and one of your British friends comments that it’s a nice day – 24º and sunny. If you’re in the US, you’d think your British friend is freezing their ass off, but maybe they like the cold. However, everyone else is on the same page, and realize 24ºC … Read more » Going Metric