Switching Podcast Apps
I’ve been listening to podcasts for a few years now. In all that time, I’ve been using the Apple Podcasts app on iOS. I had never given it much thought before. It was just there, so I started using it. I, somewhat recently, started thinking about exploring different podcast apps. Apple hasn’t put much effort into the podcast app. However, other developers trying to improve the podcast listener experience. There is a collection of new podcast apps one can look through. I learned of this site from the Podcasting 2.0 podcast.
Switching Podcast Apps
I’ve been using one called Podverse for a couple of months. I wasn’t sure at first if I would like it, so I was listening to 5 podcasts on 2 different podcast apps. But I do. Apple does not make it easy to get the RSS feed of the podcast. So I put it off. This weekend I finally did it. On Friday night, I started swtiching podcast apps – away from Apple Podcasts. It was a good opportunity to clean out some off the podcasts that I don’t listen to anymore, and other that have stopped publishing. I did learn that’s it’s better not to try to copy the RSS URL from Apple Podcasts. Instead, it’s easier and faster to search for your podcast of choice by name in your new app. If you can can’t find it there, search the web for your podcast and copy the URL from your browser address bar.
When I finished the migration of my tech podcasts to Podverse, I had an idea. I should download a 2nd new podcast app, for my non-technical options. This way I can get more opportunity to try another podcast app – and I don’t have to worry about duplicate shows or episodes. I settled on Castamatic, as I had heard some good things about it.. When all is said and done, I have 40 tech podcasts in Podverse, and 8 non-tech podcasts in Castamatic. That’s a crazy amount of podcasts. I know – but that’s how I roll.