These articles are focused on learning how to do something — usually to learn a technology, or how to implement a project.
Upgrade Your PHP
Upgrading your PHP doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it can be done in 10 minutes. Probably less.
Fix Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found in VVV
I had a problem when trying to use phpunit in VVV. I was getting a ‘Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found error. Fortunately I found a solution.
Using WP-CLI
The WordPress admin does a lot to empower you as a user. It makes it easy to create and publish your content. Sometimes though, it’s not the right tool for the job. Sometimes, what you need is the command line. Fortunately there is a great command line tool that lets you administer WordPress sites — WP CLI.
Create Bash Aliases
Bash (The Bourne Again SHell) has a feature that lets you create a keyword to associate with a command. It’s a great way to make it easy to execute hard to type commands. It’s called alias.